The DOW has been rallying for months, setting record highs and eclipsing 20,000. Life is good.
Not quite.
This delusional, record-setting rally is the calm before the storm and the final surge before we see a historic collapse and feel the effects of the economic winter season we’re sitting in.
Massive debt bubbles… housing prices falling by 40%… surging unemployment… a ballooning federal deficit as high as $1.5 to $2 trillion… and the misguided belief that policy makers can turn the economic tide.
All classic signs of an economic winter season and a bleak state of financial decay.
How is this possible? Demographics.
Simply put… aging economies cannot grow as fast as younger ones. This impending collapse is demographically impossible to avoid! According to the research of renowned Harvard Economist, Harry Dent, the U.S. population will only grow 0.27% over the next 50 years!
In his latest video presentation, Harry explains the “perfect storm” of economic and demographic realities brewing that will likely lead to “The Greater Depression” and make the next few years some of the most trying times in U.S. economic history. Find out how to protect your financial future, for what lies ahead!
Be sure to catch Harry’s special video presentation here!>>>